The swap from $RAI to $SOFI is officially live, supported by RAI Finance official website and Crypto Exchanges
Dear RAI Finance community members,
We are pleased to announce that the SOFI token smart contract has passed an audit and RAI — SOFI swap function will be available on our platform very soon. For those who hold RAI tokens on their own wallet such as Metamask, we will provide a user guide about how to swap RAI to SOFI on our website and crypto asset exchanges.

We understand that there are a lot of users who bought and hold RAI Tokens on many different exchanges. The good news is that our partners will help to make the swap process as user-friendly as possible.
How to swap RAI to SOFI
Swap Channel 1: Swap on
- This function will be available from 10:00 20th Nov, Singapore Time
We recommend you use MetaMask to participate in this swap. You can also use other wallets which support ERC 20 tokens, but we’ll just take MetaMask as an example here.
Thus, before going to swap, please get the following items ready.
1. Install MetaMask
You can download MetaMask here:
2. Ensure there is a minimum amount of ETH to cover the gas fee.
Then, let’s start swapping ERC-20 RAI to SOFI
- Import wallet into MetaMask and add ERC-20 RAI token. If you already keep ERC-20 RAI in MetaMask wallet, please skip this step.
2. On the Add Token page, click on the Custom Token tab to expand the search window.
Enter the token address in the field called Token Address. The Token Symbol and Decimals of Precision will autofill, otherwise please follow the points below.
| ERC-20 RAI contract address: 0xf30547ff2df1f1cbe5c8dd758b3dd098c856e38f
| Token Symbol: RAI
| Decimal: 18
Enter Rai Finance website (

On the top of the website, you will find ‘Convert to SOFI’ button. Clicking that button, you will be able to enter the number of your available balance of RAI. By just clicking the ‘Swap‘ button below, the token swap contract will automatically burn RAI and give SOFI to you in the ratio of 1:1.
Then, you can add SOFI to Metamask by clicking the ‘Add SOFI to Metamask’ button. The contract address and decimal of SOFI is as below.
| ERC-20 SOFI contract address: 0xB49fa25978abf9a248b8212Ab4b87277682301c0
| Token Symbol:SOFI
| Decimal: 18
Just by doing so, you will now see SOFI in your assets list!
Swap Channel 2: Swap on Huobi Global
$RAI Holders can swap RAI to SOFI on Huobi Global according to the announcement:
- Suspension of RAI deposits and withdrawals at 02:00 (UTC) on Nov 19, 2021.
- Disablement of all RAI spot trading pairs and cancellation of all pending RAI orders (RAI/BTC, RAI/ETH, RAI/USDT) at 03:00 (UTC) on Nov 19, 2021.
- Snapshots of users’ positions will be taken at 16:00 (UTC) on Nov 19, 2021, after all orders are canceled. Their RAI tokens will then be converted to SOFI tokens on a 1:1 basis.
Regarding any problems please contact the customer support of Huobi Global for help.
How to swap BSC RAI to SOFI
We recognize that some of our community members have $RAI tokens on Binance Smart Chain, which contract had been frozen due to the attack on the Chainswap contract. With our rebranding from RAI to SOFI, we are going to offer BSC RAI to SOFI swap function as well.
- Just like ERC-20 RAI to SOFI swap, you will need a personal wallet such as Metamask and a minimum amount of ETH to cover the gas fee.
- Enter Rai Finance website (
On the top of the website, you will find ‘RAI-SOFI’ button. Choose ‘BSC’ on the top, and enter the number of your available balance of BSC RAI and click the ‘Claim‘ button below. The token swap contract will automatically burn BSC RAI and give ERC-20 SOFI to you in the ratio of 1:1.
Then, you can add SOFI to Metamask by clicking the ‘Add SOFI to Metamask’ button. The contract address and decimal of SOFI is as below.
| ERC-20 SOFI contract address: 0xB49fa25978abf9a248b8212Ab4b87277682301c0
| Token Symbol:SOFI
| Decimal: 18
As we announced, changing token ticker from RAI to SOFI is to better align with our mission, to pioneer social trading among its DeFi ecosystem. We expect you to join our journey to start a new chapter in DeFi through social trading.
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