RAI Finance Monthly Report — October 2021
Monthly executive summary
*Oct-2th Nov
User details of RAI Finance
*Based on Beta 2.0 and Beta 3.0 testnet data
- The total number of users:5,714
- The total number of created portfolio:3,224
- Launched Beta2.0
Beta2.0 updated as below
- Upgrade of Social Trading System(STS)
(1) Users can view investment managers’ profile homepages and historical portfolio records
(2) Investment managers can create and show their personal profiles
(3) Users can view and filter the investment portfolios and investment managers from the leaderboard
(4) Users can set and receive price alert
(5) Users can get test token from the faucet
- Bugs fixed and features optimized according to users’ feedback
2. Launched Beta3.0
Beta3.0 updated as below,
- Polygon test net has been added.
- Aggregation transaction function has been added and deployed on both Rinkeby and Polygon test net.
- Multiple asset transaction pairs have been added.
Organized Beta2.0 Public Test Event with about 6,000 participants and 4,000 created portfolios
Started Beta3.0 Public Test Event
RAI Finance CEO Kevin Lee joined Polkadot Meetup Korean as a speaker
RAI Finance community voted to change token ticker from RAI to SOFI
Token metrics:
- The total number of traded volume: $137,518,573
- Token market cap: $57,361,384
About RAI Finance
RAI Finance supports the issuance and trading of tokenized assets, NFTs, and various decentralized assets. It is a project that aims to secure cross-chain compatibility, high scalability, and low fees through integration into the Polkadot network. RAI Finance’s main partners include League of Traders, Wizpace, the founders of DEXEOS, and STP Network, a smart contract asset tokenization platform. RAI Finance is receiving worldwide attention recently by attracting successive strategic investments from VCs such as Alphabit and NGC.
Follow the RAI Finance public channels for future updates
▪ Official Website: https://rai.finance
▪ Medium: https://medium.com/rai-finance
▪ Twitter: https://twitter.com/RaiFinance
▪ Telegram: https://t.me/RaiFinance
▪ Github: https://github.com/RaiFinance
▪ RAI weibo:https://weibo.com/u/7583482257
▪ WeChat official account:RAI协议中文社区